Board of Directors

Mr James (Jim) Richards
Jim Richards is a Perth based company director and geologist with 26 years’ experience in exploration for a wide variety of commodities.
Prior to the ASX listing of Gibb River Diamonds Limited, Mr Richards was the chief executive officer and director of United Minerals Corporation NL (UMC). At UMC, Mr Richards led the technical team that discovered the high grade iron ‘Railway Deposit’ in the Pilbara. BHP Billiton acquired the Railway Deposit in February 2010 by a take-over of UMC for AUD$204 million.
Mr Richards has considerable overseas experience including running his own alluvial diamond dredging operation in Guyana, South America and work on the Omai gold project (that became a major mine) also in Guyana. Other resources work includes operating in Indonesia and two years spent in both Laos and Pakistan.
Previous employers and clients have included Newmont Mining Corporation, BHP Billiton Limited and Woodside Energy Limited. Prior to his geology career, Mr Richards served in the British Army Parachute Regiment with operational experience in Northern Ireland. He was educated at Goldsmiths College, University of London (Geology) and the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. Jim’s memoir Gold Rush has been published in Australia and the UK.

Mr Grant Mooney
Mr Mooney is the principal of Perth-based corporate advisory firm Mooney & Partners, specialising in corporate compliance administration to public companies. He has gained extensive experience in the areas of corporate and project management since commencing Mooney & Partners in 1999. His experience extends to advice on capital raisings, mergers and acquisitions and corporate governance.
Currently, Mr Mooney serves as a Director and Company Secretary to several ASX listed companies across a variety of industries including technology and resources. He is a Director of ASX listed resource companies Barra Resources Limited, Wild Acre Metals Limited, Carbine Resources Limited, and is Chairman of renewable energy company Carnegie Wave Energy Limited. Mr Mooney is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.

Mr Tom Reddicliffe
Mr Reddicliffe is a geologist with some 40 years of largely Australian focused diamond exploration, evaluation and trial mining experience having graduated with an Honours degree in geology in 1974 from the University of Queensland.
Mr Reddicliffe joined Ashton Mining Limited in 1976, and worked with the AEJV exploration teams at both Ellendale and Argyle. He was appointed the Australian Exploration Manager of Ashton Mining Limited in 1991 and remained in that position up until Ashton was taken over by Rio Tinto in late 2000. During his position as exploration manager with Ashton Mining Limited, Mr Reddicliffe was credited with discovering the Merlin diamond pipes in the Northern Territory in 1993 which became a renowned producer of large, good quality white diamonds. Merlin produced Australia’s largest diamond – the 104.73 carat gemstone Jungiila-Bunajina.
After his tenure with Ashton Mining Limited, Mr Reddicliffe joined Striker Resources (renamed North Australian Diamonds Limited in 2004) as Technical Director from 2003 and was appointed CEO in 2007. Mr Reddicliffe stepped down from the Board of North Australian Diamonds Limited in mid-2011.